Daniel Pink

#1 New York Times bestselling author
Daniel Pink is one of the most influential modern writers on the intersection of business and human behavior. He has published six books on the subject, including the New York Times bestsellers When: The Scientific Secrets to Perfecting Timing and A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future and the #1 New York Times bestsellers To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth about Moving Others and Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us. His books have won multiple awards and have been translated into 41 languages.
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Flight Template Series

Managing a Team Through Project Beginnings, Midpoints, and Endings

Some say that project management is an art, but Daniel Pink knows that project management is really a science. Every project has a beginning, a middle, and an end -- and each of these stages can exert an often invisible influence on team behavior. Being more aware of timing and being more intentional about these stages can help your project succeed. The beginning is your opportunity to get your project started on the best foot by setting realistic goals, anticipating any future roadblocks, and identifying a clear strategic mission. The midpoint is where we tend to lose momentum and motivation and need reenergizing and to set interim goals. The end is where you can identify priorities and opportunities to finish strong and commemorate your accomplishment. This series will help you manage your team through all stages of a project and set you up for success from beginning to end.
Flight Templates

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